lunedì, settembre 12, 2005

Le sinagoghe di Gaza

Forse poteva andare solo così, forse è vero che non abbattere le singoghe prima dello sgombero è «una trappola politica», ma i rotoli della Torah portati via e il rogo delle sinagoghe testimoniano quanto sarà difficile il cammino verso un'Israele e una Palestina pacificati.

"As the settlers left their homes last month, they took the Torah scrolls from the synagogues, as well as prayer books and other holy items - symbolizing the end of the use of the buildings as houses of prayer."

They then set the Netzarim synagogue ablaze.

Palestinian police stood by and watched, admitting they were outnumbered by the crowds and had little motivation to stop them. An officer who refused to give his name said,"The people have the right to do what they are doing."

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